1882 apt 2, boulevard Bastien, Québec, G2B 1C4
With its 28 units, Place Bastien is a secure complex residents will love. It is located in Les Rivières in the Neufchâtel-Lebourgneuf district, which offers quick access to major arteries. There are grocery stores, shops, restaurants, pharmacies, and lots of other amenities and services nearby. Come home to Place Bastien and enjoy life in a calm, convenient, and safe community.
$ 1 155 per month
$ 1 155 per month unfurnished
$ 1 210 per month semi-furnished
Place Bastien
10450 rue Maurice-Proulx
Québec, G2A 2A1
Other address
1882 boulevard Bastien
Québec, G2B 1C4
28 apartments on 3 floors
With its 28 units, Place Bastien is a secure complex residents will love. It is located in Les Rivières in the Neufchâtel-Lebourgneuf district, which offers quick access to major arteries. There are grocery stores, shops, restaurants, pharmacies, and lots of other amenities and services nearby. Come home to Place Bastien and enjoy life in a calm, convenient, and safe community.
Storage room
Laundry room
Access card
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Chief Privacy Officer
5355, boul. des Gradins
Québec (Québec)
G2J 1C8